Friday, April 20, 2007

Sorry for the lack of update. Hmmm i shall say super uber lack. I'm been very busy with my school, homework, tuitions in the night, birthday parties and nafa. And plus i couldn't even use the computer for the past few weeks. My mother-DAMN! While Melvin's birthday was a blast last week. He celebrated with loads and loads of friends and of cos his sweetest girlfriend that popped out of no where!! Overall, my (and cg's) plan was excellent and successful (:

As for my birthday. Melvin brought me to the zoo (are you sure?!). Okay whatever! Impression of the zoo. Loads of animals animals animals mosquito mosquito mosquito hot hot hot hot far far far far far. Hahahahha! we took hell loads of photos there. i shall upload later (depends lah).

Good night folks.

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